Friday, October 5, 2012

AMAZING TWEEN NON-FICTION~Stop in to WMTL to check them out!


In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue......and discovered America, right?  Not exactly!  Read this intriguing and revealing narrative that shares many new theories by historians based on more recently discovered artifacts.


The introduction to this title has a warning that states:  If you don’t have the guts for gore, do not read this book.  The book works to explain many of the myths about the deaths of famous people in history while supplying more likely reasons for their illnesses.  It also contains quite a bit about the medical methods of earlier times which will lead you to believe that you are lucky to have access to modern medicine! Not for those with weak stomachs!!!!

Do you love baseball?  Kadir Nelson uses beautiful paintings to tell the story of the struggles of Negro League Baseball and its players' love of the game.  Their contributions to today's game of baseball are significant and were accomplished despite subjection to oppression, hatred, and prejudice.

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