Plot Summary: Winnie Foster, age 10, is fed up with the constant hovering of her parents. An only child, she thinks about getting away from her house and family by running away. One morning, intent upon leaving her family, Winne ventures into the wood next to her house and comes upon a young man drinking from a stream. His name is Jesse Tuck. Winnie asks for a drink of water, but he tells her no. Within moments, the rest of the Tuck family arrives and realizes that they have to tell Winnie their story in order to keep her from drinking from the spring. They decide to take her back to their house so that they can fully explain their situation. You see, they drank from the spring seventy years ago and haven't aged since. Winnie is afraid at first, but then she realizes that the family means her no harm. The only problem they face now is the man in the yellow suit who seems to know something about the mysterious Tuck family. Will Winnie return to her home? Is this Tuck family in danger of being exposed? Does Winnie decide to drink from the spring in order to join the Tucks? Read this warm and magical story to find out.
Genre: Fantasy
Subjects/Themes: Immortality, secrets, family
Reviews: Booklist
Age Group: Grades 4-7
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